Atom Semiconductor is an IC design company specialising in analog signal-chain integrated chips originated from HKUST and with headquarters in Hong Kong Science Park. Currently, Atom has established itself both in Hong Kong and in Shenzhen, where they have highly technical teams to address customers’ demands. After years of cutting-edge research at HKUST, Atom has accumulated a wide range of tools, technologies and patents that allows them to design ICs that meet the highest international standards. Atom Semiconductor is comprised of an international technical team consisting of PhD students and industrial experts in the high-performance IC design field, that is continuously innovating and researching new technologies.
Atom Semiconductor’s IC products focus on integrated digital sensors, which have a wide range of applications, including smartphones, wearable electronics, consumer electronics, industrial electronics, automotive electronics, medical electronics, and telecommunication products.
In the realm of sensors and its communication products, the analog processing segment in the signal-chain determines the performance of the overall electronic product. Atom Semiconductor is the technological leading IC company in this core field of the signal-chain.