柏恩司(Austin R. Bryan)於2022年4月出任中電控股數碼總裁,帶領集團善用數碼科技以創造更高效、連繫性更強和更以客為本的新業務方案。柏恩司負責提升集團數碼能力,包括資訊科技、數據服務、數據產品和服務,以及網絡安全。柏恩司於2016年加入中電控股,出任創新高級總監一職,帶領集團發展創新業務和加強夥伴合作。
柏恩司是推動數碼媒體業創新服務的翘楚,在革新金融及電訊業商業活動方面享負盛名。柏恩司的經驗包括在1990年代初推出德國首項直接銀行理財服務、為美國運通建立網上客戶服務平台,以及與3 Mobile推出澳洲首個3G多媒體流動網絡。他在加入中電前為Singtel Optus策略創新部副總裁,專責數碼媒體項目的收購事宜,建立了價值十億美元的數碼媒體業務並推動新產品及服務。
Brian A. Wong is a Chinese American entrepreneur, investor and author. He was the first American and only the fifty-second employee to join Alibaba Group, where he contributed to the company’s early globalization efforts and served as Jack Ma’s special assistant for international affairs.
During his sixteen year tenure, Brian founded Alibaba Global Initiatives (AGI) and was the founder and executive director of the Alibaba Global Leadership Academy. He remains an adviser to the AGI team and is the author of The Tao of Alibaba, published under Hachette imprint Public Affairs. Brian is also founder and chairman of RADII, a digital media company. Prior to working at Alibaba, Brian served as special assistant to San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr. and an executive at the McGraw-Hill Companies.
Brian has been featured as a speaker at international conferences such as the the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting at Davos, the B20 Summit, and UNCTAD's Ecommerce Week. He has also been quoted or featured by media such as Bloomberg, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, and BBC. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore College, a Master’s certificate from the Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for US and China Studies and an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.
Brian is China Fellow with the Aspen Institute, was recognized as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum and is a member of the Committee of 100. He is a native of Palo Alto, CA and lives in Shanghai, China.
Edith Yeung is a general partner at Race Capital and author and creator of the China Internet Report, an annual report on China technology trends widely popular among investors and corporate executives and Silicon.news - weekly briefing on Silicon Valley funding, merger, and acquisition news.
She has invested in over 50 startups including Lightyear/Stellar (valued $1.2B), Silk Labs (acquired by Apple), Chirp (acquired by Apple), Fleksy (acquired by Pinterest), Human (acquired by Mapbox), Solana, Oasis Labs, Nebulas, Hooked, DayDayCook, AISense, and many more.
Prior to Race Capital, Edith was a partner at 500 Startups, the world's most active early-stage fund and incubator invested in Twilio, Credit Karma, Grab, and 2000 more companies. Before 500, Edith was the general manager at Dolphin Browser, a Sequoia-backed mobile browser with over 150 million installs worldwide. Edith also worked with many Fortune 500 companies such as Siebel, AMS, AT&T Wireless and Autodesk.
She frequently speaks on China and Silicon Valley technology and investment landscape. She is also a frequent guest lecturer at Berkeley and Stanford and commentator on BBC, CNBC, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, SCMP, Techcrunch, etc.
Hera Siu is the former CEO of Cisco Greater China, having retired in September 2020. Drawing from her more than 30 years of management experience, Hera shaped Cisco’s regional strategy and accelerated its growth in Greater China. She was instrumental in strengthening and innovating the business by providing the sales team with the right operational controls, staffing structure and technology.
Prior to Cisco, Hera held executive positions at major IT companies in both Asia and North America. Hera has a profound understanding of outcome-based solutions and emerging business models. She possesses a strong background in international business and an in-depth understanding of the challenges posed by Greater China’s dynamic business environment.
Hera serves as a non-executive Board member for the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company and she is an industry advisor for both AInnovations and Advent. She completed her board assignments in SITA and ASTRI.
Reputed for her professional leadership and constant aspiration to inspire, Hera was selected for both the Annual Leaders of the Chinese Information Industry (2011) and the 50 Most Powerful Women, Fortune Global the same year.
陳婉真現任Alipay Financial Services (HK) Limited行政總裁及螞蟻集團大灣區戰略發展及政府事務執行副總裁。
古先生自流動互聯網興起時,已帶領團隊與蘋果、Facebook、WhatsApp、微軟及谷歌等知名互聯網巨擘合作,推出多項具前瞻性的流動通訊服務。隨著公司建設5G網絡基建,並夥拍不同供應商發展人工智能、區塊鏈、雲計算、大數據、邊緣運算及物聯網解決方案。古先生於制定嶄新的商業策略上擔當領導角色,並以「5G•世界更為一」嶄新概念,推動5G及香港智慧城市的發展。古先生亦帶領團隊進軍Web 3.0、踏足元宇宙及發展NFT項目,為公司開拓新業務,締造數碼互聯網新經濟生態圈。
此外,他在社會及公眾教育一直積極推動雲計算和人工智能的普及化,並在香港經濟日報駐有專欄「阿里雲誌」。現任職於大灣區5G産業聯盟董事兼執行委員會副主席,大灣區金融科技促進總會副會長,香港電腦學會理事會成員,香港貿易發展局諮詢委員會(資訊及通訊科技服務) 委員,香港管理專業協會 (IT管理委員會) 委員,及大數據治理公會的理事會成員。
Michael Yao is a Senior Vice President of Alibaba Group. Michael works closely with senior management in executing the Group’s globalization strategy and is also responsible for Alibaba Group's corporate finance, International mergers and acquisitions and treasury activities and actively represents the Group in investor relations activities. Michael also works closely with brands, associations and rights holders to protect their intellectual property rights on our platforms.
He joined the Group in 2012. Michael has nearly 30 years' experience in strategic advisory and capital markets having worked in the United States and Hong Kong where he has been based since 1993.
Prior to joining Alibaba, he was the co-head of the Hong Kong office for Rothschild in Asia. Previously, Michael was a Managing Director of Goldman Sachs where he spent 13 years in both New York and Hong Kong. He also founded a boutique advisory firm based in Hong Kong providing strategic advisory and mergers and acquisitions advice to mid-cap corporates.
Michael holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics, cum laude, from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
作為推動亞洲金融科技發展及普惠金融的先領者,龍沛智深信將金融業結合科技可以為行業帶來新氣象。他任職多個主要的公私營委員會,積極推進整個金融科技生態圈的持續發展。龍沛智也獲得了多個獎項以表彰他的成就,包括《資本才俊》的「傑出CEO獎」、《亞洲銀行家》的「創新領袖成就獎」、《Tatler Asia》的「亞洲最具影響力人士」︑由悉尼大學頒發的「副校長成就獎」,以及被中國的領先媒體評選為塑造香港未來20年的「香港創新20人」。
黃思麗小姐畢業於中文大學,並分別於兩所權威的商業學院(巴黎高等學院 (HEC) 及歐洲工商管理學院(INSEAD)),考獲碩士及工商管理碩士榮銜。她先後從事快速消費品、企業顧問、醫療及機場管理等行業。十六年的企業顧問經驗中,她曾於2間全球頂尖的管理策略顧問公司麥肯錫(Mckinsey)及OC & C任職,帶領專業團隊,為香港、中國、歐洲及東南亞等地逾10多個行業及多間國際及本地財富500 (Forture500) 企業提供策略性研究及建議,尤其專注於零售及消費品等領域,涉獵層面廣泛,有豐富的業務營運及管理經驗。2014年加入新地任職非地產業務的策劃及營運總監,2016年同時任命為一田百貨行政總裁,她帶領團隊不繼擴展,由7間擴展至12間分店,成績斐然。
Tim Steinert has almost 30 years of experience as an international lawyer and manager working in greater China. He was General Counsel and Secretary of Alibaba Group Holding Limited from 2007-2020 and a member of the Alibaba Partnership.
He remains an honorary advisor of Alibaba. Before joining Alibaba, Mr. Steinert was A partner at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Hong Kong from 1999-2007. He began his career in corporate law as an associate at Coudert Brothers in Beijing, San Francisco and New York from 1989-1994, followed by a similar five-year position in Davis Polk & Wardwell’s New York and Hong Kong offices.
Mr. Steinert serves on the board of trustees of St. Paul’s School (Concord,N.H.), on the board of trustees of Princeton in Asia and on the Columbia University World Projects President’s Council. He previously served on the Listed Company Advisory Board of the New York Stock Exchange, the Takeovers and Mergers Panel of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission and the Singapore Infocom Media Development Authority Artificial Intelligence Governance Advisory Council. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the National Committee on United States China Relations and the Hong Kong Academy of Finance.
Mr. Steinert graduated from Yale University with a B.A., cum laude, in history in 1983 and received a J.D. from Columbia University School of Law in1989.
Venetia Lee joined Alipay, the world’s leading digital payment and lifestyle platform operated by Ant Financial Services Group, in January 2017. She is currently the General Manager of Alipay Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Russia and Middle East, which she oversees the regions’ business development, operations and marketing activities.
Prior to joining Alipay, Venetia led the strategic business development effort for Apple Pay and successfully launched the business in Singapore and Hong Kong in 2016. She had extensive experience in payments, banking and internet industries, having held senior roles at DBS Bank, PayPal and eBay, driving Digital Banking and Mobile commerce initiatives.
Venetia received her Master degree from Stanford University and Bachelor’s degree from University of California at Berkeley.
Ms. Xu (Amy) Min, Lawyer, Former Chief Patent and Technology Counsel of Alibaba Group, Ms. Xu has been engaged in intellectual property and patent work for over 30 years and has helped companies develop intellectual property including patent/technology protection and business strategy.
Ms. Xu has a Bachelor's degree in electronic engineering from Fudan University, Master's degree in electrical engineering and computer science from Minnesota University, and J.D. from Williams Law School.
Ms. Xu has worked as an intellectual property patent lawyer and partner in several American law firms, and she is one of the founders of Internet/e-commerce patent/technology, trademark/brand and domain name dispute resolution/arbitration and authored on intellectual property related treaties and policy on IP issues in U.S. and China.
During her post in Alibaba Group, Amy and her team helped set up intellectual property policies to continuously drive innovation in technologies and businesses.
蕭逸(Yat Siu)是一位香港科技界企業家,他是Animoca Brands的聯合創辦人兼董事。Animoca Brands是一間數碼娛樂產業的領頭公司,專精區塊鏈、遊戲化和人工智能技術,開發並推出了不同類形的應用程式,包括遊戲及健身解決方案。
蕭逸的科技事業始於1990年,當時他在德國雅達利公司(Atari Germany)工作。在1995年,蕭逸來到香港並創立了亞洲第一家免費網頁及電郵供應商 —— Hong Kong Cybercity/Freenation。他於1998年成立Outblaze,其網絡多語種白標(white label)網頁服務是業界的先驅,屢次獲得奬項。蕭逸在2009年將 Outblaze 的通訊業務售予IBM,並把Outblaze轉型成一間擅長於雲端技術、遊戲及流動軟件的綜合企業。
蕭逸於TurnOut Ventures擔任董事一職。TurnOut Ventures是Outblaze和Turner Entertainment的合資公司,擁有並管理旗下廣受大眾歡迎的表情符號人物 —— 兔斯基。在2017年蕭逸成立了Dalton Learning Lab,提供專題學習實驗室環境,針對香港教育系統的缺口,讓兒童發展與未來世界相關的實用技能,如擴散性思維和設計思考等。蕭逸也成立了 ThinkBlaze作為Outblaze 的研究分支,致力於研究科技對推動社會發展的議題。
蕭逸獲得眾多榮譽,包括世界經濟論壇的明日全球領袖榮銜,以及DHL / 南華早報香港商業獎的青年企業家獎。